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This website supports all users and administrators of the Countryside Access Management System (CAMS) from Exegesis, an Idox Company.

For the latest news in the world of CAMS, please see latest posts on our news page.

This site has been divided into sections to cover each of the CAMS Products.

For CAMS Desktop we provide user and how to guides, describing how to use CAMS Desktop. We also provide system administration information covering the configuration and customisation of the system.

For CAMS Pro we provide how to guides covering the essentials of use of this system. 

For CAMS Mobile we provide further guidance on using features or elements of CAMS specific to the mobile app.

For CAMS Web we provide information about managing user accounts or other admin focused elements around CAMS Web.

For further information about arranging a CAMS training course, please refer to our main site for the latest dates and information, or speak to a member of our team.


Useful links and contact details for the CAMS Consultant team 
General email
David Bennett 03330146872
Kathryn Steemson 03330146883
Richard Coppock 03330146939
Timothy Derbyshire 03330146768


CAMS users may also be interested in the documentation for these related Exegesis products:





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